This card can indicate a state of emotional fragility, where a person struggles to manage their feelings and is overly sensitive to any kind of criticism or rejection. At her best, however, she has is a well of emotional support and empathy that never runs dry. The reversed Queen of Cups tarot card is a symbol of an unhealthy relationship with emotions, and can be a sign that a person may be facing a period of emotional turmoil.

She is not above emotional manipulation, playing the fragile female who needs protecting, the invalid who needs tending, or the sensitive who can't be told bad news. The Cup suit in tarot is connected to water, Magdaleno. 'She's very supportive, guided by her heart, and sometimes she can represent psychic abilities, too,' she adds. Unfortunately, this is also a queen who can suffer from hormonal imbalances, depression, moodiness, alcoholism, delusions and drug addiction. The Queen of Cups is a very intuitive figure that carries a mothering, nurturing quality, tarot reader and author of The Big Book of Tarot Readings Sam Magdaleno tells mbg. Her intuition is uncanny and her temper.well, it runs very deep and you don't ever want it turned against you. Also, devoutly spiritual in her own way.Īffectionate and loving, she hugs, heals, and bakes cookies for her children. She can be a creative storyteller or artist. Sometimes she is so shy and self-effacing you might not even notice her other times she can be a little scary, dreamy, mysterious, possessing otherworldly powers or a spiritual connection. Health: The Queen of Cups often brings positive news in the health context. And lastly, you may receive an emotionally fulfilling news about your work or finances soon. She holds a cup with both hands, which represents her emotional intelligence and her ability to connect on a deep level with others. She is sitting on a throne with a calm and peaceful expression on her face. As a person, the Queen of Cups can be a compassionate and honest authority figure. The Queen of Cups The Queen of Cups is the thirteenth card in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. Call her the emotional fix-it woman or the ultimate "mom," but she seems to have exactly the right solution to problems relating to family, friends, love. This card is very beneficial to get for creative endeavors and caring professions. As a development: Developing a romance, psychic powers, or the growth of a family.Īs an adult woman: Often a healer, counselor or psychic, this is a woman who seems to know what's wrong even before you open your mouth.